How to Evaluate Skill Development Without Using Surveys

Do you deliver one-time learning events and struggle to show skill development?

​In this case study, we are joined by Rabia Khan, founder of Data Action Impact - a small business dedicated to building data literacy for government and nonprofit organizations. ​Rabia teaches one-day virtual workshops to boost data literacy skills. She is contracted through a large training organization who has their own post training evaluation system in place. Sadly, that evaluation only asks participants to rate their satisfaction with the training content and instructor.

What Rabia needs is evidence to show that participants are actually improving their skills working with data. How can she do this without using surveys?

Get solutions to these challenges:

  1. Evaluating changes in attitude, mindset, and skills without surveying.

  2. Collecting useful information in real time to tailor a learning experience to the skills and experience of participants.

If you like what Rabia Khan is up to, stay in touch! ​