Dr. Alaina Szlachta

Hi! I’m Alaina.

Doctor of Education & Human Behavior

I help leaders create simple data collection systems enabling their programs to facilitate real, evidence-based impact and change.

Since 2010, I've played nearly every role in the knowledge industry, from educational research in academic environments, to curriculum writing for NPOs, to training corporate CEOs. In that time, I realized programs that truly create change are possible only when these three core principles are baked into the program’s design:

  1. Vision — or the clear hypothesis and framework for how your program creates change.

  2. Measurement — or the systematic collection of data to support your vision.

  3. Expertise — or the information and experience to bring about change

Need help with your program? Reach out! I’m happy to speak with you.



Ideas at a glance

What is Learning Architecture?

Learning Architecture (LA) is that tool for change. LA takes your already uniquely-you content and empowers it with a structure to make your content useful, and uses data-enablement to deliver reliable results to your audience.

Beyond Influence is Impact

It’s been 4 years since I left academia and corporate learning to elevate my own practice. I see great opportunities for SMEs. The world of professional development is changing. Students and professionals want mentors with a proven track record in the real world. The knowledge you have is worth sharing, and you can deliver it in a way that feels authentic to your experience. All you need is a knowledgable guide and the right tools to get your next course, cohort, or community out of your head and into a format that magnifies your expertise.

Info Isn’t Enough.

Learning has unfortunately become synonymous with information dumping. This approach is one-dimensional at best, and the data proves it: only 10% of online courses are completed. The good news is info dumping doesn’t mean your content is bad — it just means the delivery needs to change.

Not All Info Matters

Teaching your expertise is a powerful way to grow your influence. It’s a fantastic way to engage your audience deeper while building a library of resources. But the power of your work doesn’t need to stop just at influence; you have an opportunity to make real change.


The work Alaina and I did together is still on my whiteboard and serves as the foundation for my course.
— Jeff gothelf, author of forever employable

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